Out Now: Beyond Innovation Hotspots

Just before Christmas, this new book, co-edited by Prof. Kiese, has been launched. The articles in this volume deal with the role of clusters for competitiveness and current transition challenges. Looking beyond the often-studied Silicon Somethings, they study thin peripheral, post-industrial and post-socialist geographical stettings. Bringing together a transdisciplinary team of skilled contributors, Beyond Innovation Hotspots demonstrates the importance of context-specific policy responses and effective institutional frameworks to enhance regional development. Chapters examine key case studies from Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany and Central Europe, to illustrate the complexity and diversity of challenges faced by different regions and the strategies used to address them. Particular attention is paid to the question of how clusters and cluster policies can help these regions to maintain or regain their competitiveness in the face of the twin changes of digitalisation and sustainability. Led by Prof. Kiese, the illustrous team of editors included Rasmus C. Beck (CEO, Duisburg Business and Innovation and Honorary Professor of Urban Transformation, EBZ Business School), Dirk Fornahl (Professor of Regional Economics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena), and Christian Ketels (Senior Fellow, House of Governance, Stockholm School of Economics).

Beyond Innovation Hotspots - Clusters for Competitiveness and Transformation in Real Regions

10. Januar 2025
Alle News

Matthias Kiese

Stadt- und Regionalökonomie, GI-News