BISTUS VI: Institutionalism and Cities: Theory and Method in Comparative Analysis of Urban Institutions

Andre Sorensen
Prof. Dr. André Sorensen Department of Human Geography University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada
Prof. Dr. André Sorensen Department of Human Geography University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada
  • Dates & times: 11-15 November, 2019, 16-19 hrs c.t.
  • 6 ECTS, Room: RUB, IA 5/92-154
  • Interdisciplinary seminar for Master and PhD students
  • Registration closing 04 October, 2019. Places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Please contact stating name, matriculation number, and study program.


This seminar focuses on the role of institutions (defined as shared norms and understandings, standard operating practices, and enforceable rules) in structuring processes of urban change, urban governance, and spatial planning.

The premise of the course is that cities are extraordinarily densely institutionalized spaces, and that a careful study of institutions, and of processes of institutional continuity and change will be productive for urban scholars. The course reviews the New Institutionalist literature in Political Science, Sociology, and Planning Theory, with a focus on Historical Institutionalism (HI) and Comparative Historical Analysis (CHA), and develops a conceptual framework for the application of HI theory to urban space.

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16. September 2019
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