Times & rooms: 08-10 Oct, (16-19 hrs, NA 7/128); 12 Oct, 09-18 hrs, NA 7/128), 15 Nov (09-18 hrs, IA 6/139), 16 Nov (09-18 hrs), IA 01/131
Interdisciplinary seminar for Master and PhD students
Registration closing 30 September, 2018. Places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
Please contact matthias.kiese@rub.de stating name, matriculation number, and study program.
How do we prepare for ageing and depopulating society in near future? Urban and regional planning should deal with various tasks like improvement of welfare services, restructuring of urban facilities and infrastructures or transformation of urban land use. Theories and principles for planning shrinking cities and regions are greatly different from those which have been applied in the phase of urbanization and population increase.
The seminar starts with preliminary lectures introducing basic situation and cases of shrinking cities and regions in several countries, whose characteristics are similar but definitely different each other. Discussion among participants follows them, in order to deepen the understanding of reality of shrinking cities and to formulate small individual survey plans of a shrinking town, city or region. Final presentations by students are held after around a month of survey period.
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