Thermal comfort in Dortmund: First stakeholder workshop held successfully

Bochum Urban Climate Lab Team organizes stakeholder workshop as part of the project Data2Resilience (D2R) in Dortmund and brings together different perspectives.

On Wednesday, 15 November, the first stakeholder workshop as part of the Data2Resilience (D2R) project took place at the Institute for Regional and Urban Development Research (ILS) in Dortmund. Participants included the D2R project team from the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) and Leibniz University Hannover, the project team from the ICLEI partner project CATCH4D from the ILS, various representatives from the City of Dortmund and other external experts.

The aim of the workshop was to get to know the different perspectives and efforts to discover synergies and to be able to use and expand them within the framework of the project.

As part of the D2R project, a measurement network is being set up to record, among other things, the perceived temperature at different locations in the city. The morning session focused on sharing experiences in setting up and operating such networks. It was also discussed how the research project can be integrated into the Smart City concept of the city of Dortmund. In particular, the reports from the environment, health and social services departments provided important information for the development of the planned monitoring network. In the afternoon, the focus was on the question of how heat affects the city and vulnerable groups in urban society and the problems associated with this. This helped to identify areas of particular interest to the city. The requirements and design of the planned dashboard, which will present the project data to the city in an informative and graphical way, were also discussed.

In addition, the partner project CATCH4D had the opportunity to present their progress in creating a 3D heat model of the city to complete the overall picture of the ICLEI Action Fund 2.0 projects in Dortmund.

Overall, the event was a great success for all participants and an important milestone in the joint cooperation.

23. November 2023
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Luise Weickhmann

Bochum Urban Climate Lab, GI-News