News Bochum Urban Climate Lab
16. September 2024 – WATCH-Project: Climate Measurements for Optimizing Hydration Recommendations for Young Children
As part of the WATCH project, the initial climate measurements were successfully conducted in September at Städtische Kindertagesstätte Zechenstraße. In collaboration with the Forschungsdepartment Kinderernährung (FKE) at Ruhr University Bochum, the study investigates how changing climate conditions affect water loss in young children.
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25. Juli 2024 – Sensational Walk 2024 in Dortmund: Stadtklima-Tour den Grünen
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27. Juni 2024 – Data2Resilience - Sensational Walk Dortmund 2024
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07.06.2024 – Guest Lecture by Iain Stewart on Urban Climate Science: Insights from the Past
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13. Mai 2024 – D2R - Studienprojektgruppe startet Klimamessungen in Vorgärten in Dortmund
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01.12.2023 – A blind spot in the climate data
Cities are particularly affected by climate change and must take measures to adapt. In order to plan and evaluate them, however, more data must first be collected.
[Read more] Bochum Urban Climate Lab, GI-News
23. November 2023 – Thermal comfort in Dortmund: First stakeholder workshop held successfully
Bochum Urban Climate Lab Team organizes stakeholder workshop as part of the project Data2Resilience (D2R) in Dortmund and brings together different perspectives.
[Read more] Bochum Urban Climate Lab, GI-News
23. Mai 2023 – Patricia Glocke wins the prize for the best student paper at JURSE2023
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04. Mai 2023 – Consultation hour climatology and biogeography / landscape ecology colloquium
[Read more] Bochum Urban Climate Lab, Urban Ecology and Biodiversity
21. November 2022 – Climate [Change]
As part of the 2nd Bochum Climate Conference, Prof. Dr. Benjamin Bechtel will take part in a panel discussion at the Bochum Schauspielhaus on Friday, November 18th, 2022.
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16. November 2022 – The summer 2022 - The driest summer since records began
The data analysis of our measurement series of the Ludger-Mintrop Urban Climate Station (LMSS), which has been going on since 1888, has been completed and the feeling that the past summer of 2022 was extraordinary has been more than confirmed.
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12. September 2022 – Neues Amt - Benjamin Bechtel rückt ins Leitungsteam auf
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01. June 2022 – Stellenausschreibung SHK/WHB Stadtklimatologie
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18. May 2022 – Erasmus+ scientific visit from Dragan Milošević
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04. April 2022 – Winter 2021/2022 – Die große Kälte fehlte
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24. February 2022 – Vergangene Sturmtiefs waren kein ungewöhnliches Ereignis
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21. February 2022 – Stellenausschreibung SHK/WHB Stadtklimatologie
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19. January 2022 – Druckwelle auch in Bochum messbar
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18. January 2022 – RUB scientist elected as part of the new executive of the IAUC
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09. November 2021 – Jahrestagung AK Klima 2021
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