Climatology of Extreme Locations

The climatology of extreme environments such as cooling lava caves, ice and glacier caves, mountain peaks, mines, and subways is partially unknown and represents a blank spot in the field of climatology.

The aim of our research is to obtain and analyze as much long-term climatological information as possible, i.e. measurement data, from these locations.

Modern science uses a variety of models, but their quality and evaluation depends on sufficient and high-quality data. The climatology of these partly extreme environments is partly also quite extreme but in different directions. Some environments have very consistent conditions, while other environments are characterized by widely varying and extreme values ​​in both directions.

New research areas have already emerged from this research, e.g. B. subway climatology and climatology of glacial caves.

Transformation Metropolitaner Regionen

The working groups in the field of climatology study the climate system and its connections to human activities, in particular the local and microscale effects in specific environments. The research focus of the "Climatology of Extreme Locations" working group, headed by APL Professor Dr. Andreas Pflitsch is based on the climate in extreme locations such as subway systems, caves, mines and mountain peaks. The working group contributes to all three clusters.

Head of the working group
apl. Prof. Dr. Andreas Pflitsch
Tel: +49 (0)234 32-26707
Room: IA E6 / 101
Contact hours:

Nach Vereinbarung

Alaska field trip in winter 2022
Alaska field trip in winter 2022
Alaska field trip in winter 2022
© Andreas Pflitsch (2022)
Alaska field trip in autumn 2022
Alaska field trip in autumn 2022
Alaska field trip in autumn 2022
© Andreas Pflitsch (2022)
Hawaii field trip in spring 2022
Hawaii field trip in spring 2022
Hawaii field trip in spring 2022
© Andreas Pflitsch (2022)