© RUB, Marquard

Geography means thinking internationally!

Geography is inherently related to internationalization. Dealing with spatial phenomena on different scales (from local to global) requires a high interest in dealing with international relations and systems. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Institute of Geography at RUB fosters many different co-operations with international partner institutes. These co-operations enable our institute to welcome international students and other guests. It is also possible for RUB students to study abroad or work in the research groups of our partner institutes.

The heart of our internationalization strategy is our network within Europe. The UNIC network, consisting of 10 European partner universities (in Bilbao, Bochum, Cork, Istanbul, Liège, Oulu, Rotterdam, Zagreb, Malmö and Łódź) brings co-operations on different levels in research and teaching. Our department is taking a lead role in creating and establishing the international joint master program “Re-Designing the Post-Industrial City”, which is about to start in winter semester 2023/24.

In addition, our department fosters international partnerships with 11 European universities in 9 countries within the ERASMUS+ network:


Information brochure about studying Geography in Bochum


Student Advisory Service

If you are an international guest or if you wish to study abroad, please do not hesitate to contact us.