We are very pleased to announce that the Bochum Urban Climate Summer School (BUCSS22) will take place from 26 to 29 September 2022 at Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany).
BUCSS22 aims to provide a general introduction to different facets of urban climatology with a special focus on urban climate informatics. This is a newly evolving research field that uses artificial intelligence, e.g., machine learning or deep learning, to process non-traditional big data sources for urban climate applications. BUCSS22’s goal is to provide structured information and skill-building capabilities related to urban climate monitoring, remote sensing and modelling, thereby strengthening an active pool of young scientists to tackle the major urban sustainability challenges of future generations. We plan state-of-the-art lectures and hands-on tutorials on remote sensing in urban areas, crowd-sourcing and urban climate modelling at various spatial scales taught by young and senior researchers.
The four-day event is hosted by the urban climatology team of the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB). The summer school primarily addresses master and PhD students (ECTS available), but also PostDocs with general interest in urban climates. Basic background and skills in urban climate modelling, remote sensing and programming are an advantage yet not required.
As the preparation progresses, we will announce more news here.