For data requests and outputs from the climate sites, please contact us.
More information about the data set description of the Ludger Mintrop Urban Climate Station and the Rudolf Geiger Climate Station can be found here.
The Ludger Mintrop urban climate site is located near the city center of Bochum. Weather observations at the site were first recorded in 1877 by the Westfälische Bergwerkschaftskasse society. From 1888, records were taken according to the "Instructionen für Regenstationen" (instructions for rain-recording sites) by the Royal Prussian Meterological Institute. Until 1925, mainly precipitation was recorded. In early 1925, the climate site and the observations were extended according to the provisions of the "Meterologisches Zentralinstitut" to a 2nd order Station (DWD climate main site equivalent). Since 1972, the results of the observations and data are recorded and controlled by a computer system. The reports are published in form of diary lists and monthly tables. In 1994, the DMT (Deutsche Montan Technologie für Rohstoff Energie Umwelt e.V., successor of the Westfälische Bergwerkschaftskasse) handed operations of the climate site to the Department of Geography for financial reasons. Since then we continue the curating and extending the exceptionally long time series of urban climate measurements at the site renamed to "Ludger Mintrop urban climate site".
The Rudolf Geiger climate site was established in 1990 as the Geography department's field climate site according to the regulations of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD). Due to construction work the instrumentation had to be relocated in 2011 to a place about 170m south of the original site. Main uses of the site are in process studies and teaching.
For teaching purposes and use in campaigns we have a stock of mobile measurement devices, including basic meteorological instrumentation and an infrared camera. A vehicle equipped with meteorological instruments is available for use.
The Climatology has a variety of measuring instruments for different applications. Students and scientists can borrow them for their research projects, field trips and courses.
For more information concerning lending and return of the measuring instruments contact us.
A variety of measuring instruments can be lent, for example: