Healthy and sustainable mobility in socially disadvantaged neighborhoods

The project aims to evaluate existing interventions and then design and implement new interventions. Building on this, the aim is to promote sustainable walking activities and thus the health of city dwellers.

Insights into behavioral patterns and their interaction with environmental conditions in everyday life will also enable evidence-based and goal-oriented design of future interventions. The influence of specific structural and social intervention components on health-promoting, ecological and sustainable physical activity, which has not yet been sufficiently researched in Germany, can be understood. By focusing on socially disadvantaged neighborhoods, the specific challenges for vulnerable groups are identified in order to ultimately contribute to an improvement of socially just living conditions and lifestyles.

GeNaMo | Completed

Project Info

Project-ID: 01EL2302

Project Period: 2023-06 - 2023-11

Projekt Lead:
  • Jun. Prof. Dr. Andreas Rienow
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Farwick
  • Dr. Nicolai Moos
  • Jun. Prof. Dr. Andreas Rienow
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Farwick
  • Dr. Nicolai Moos
  • Sebastian Ritter
  • Yannick Strasmann
  • Tom Meyer
Participating departments:
Funding Partners
Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institut für Angewandte Bewegungswissenschaften, Technische Universität Chemnitz