The learning platform EO College has once again expanded its Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "Towards Zero Hunger": the module "Land & EO" offers new perspectives on the implementation of the second Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations "Zero Hunger".
For this purpose, the participants are introduced to the manifold applications of Earth observation (EO) in five lessons with a total of 17 topics. In addition to principles of sustainable land use, participants will learn the basics of vegetation, land use and soil moisture mapping. Tutorials will follow shortly, allowing learners to apply the knowledge from this and the other modules already available to their own projects.
The course has been developed within the EO Connect project (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research; FKZ: 01DU2000B) through the efforts of the Geomatics - Interdisciplinary Geosciences working group of the RUB, as well as the participation of numerous other stakeholders, and is freely available.
Course: Link
SDG2-Modul: Link
More Information: EO Connect - Promoting Global Networking in Earth Observation Education, Subproject: Innovative learning methods and school education