MOOC module: "SDG2: Zero Hunger" is online

The new learning module "SDG2: Zero Hunger" deals with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and in particular the contribution of Earth observation to Goal 2: "Zero Hunger".
The new learning module "SDG2: Zero Hunger" deals with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and in particular the contribution of Earth observation to Goal 2: "Zero Hunger".

What is the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? What goals does it include and how can Earth observation be used to efficiently and objectively measure progress towards them? In particular, how can satellite and geospatial data support Goal 2, "No Hunger"?

Learners taking part in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "Towards Zero Hunger" are dealing with this content. The MOOC is being developed as a series of freely accessible modules with no time limit on the topic of earth observation and food security in the Geomatics - Interdisciplinary Geosciences working group at the RUB, together with Friedrich Schiller University Jena as part of the EO Connect project (funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research; FKZ: 01DU2000B).

To the SDG2-Module: Link

Further information: EO Connect - Promoting global networking in Earth observation education, sub-project: Innovative learning methods and school education