As part of this year's Annual Academic Ceremony, former Master's student Torben Dedring was awarded the €500 "Prize for Students" for his thesis ("Utilizing geoinformation for the disaster management cycle by applying an automated tailings flow model, SAR techniques and volunteered geographic information for the example of the Brumadinho tailings dam failure"). His work deals with the contribution of different geospatial and remote sensing data to the crisis management of tailings dam failures in mining, using the example of the Brumadinho tailings dam failure (Brazil) in 2019. Open Data, as well as Volunteered Geographic Information, turned out to be a fundamental component for the acquisition of temporally up-to-date spatial data during the analysis. Parts of the results obtained in the work have now been submitted as a paper in Applied Geography. The work was supervised by Jun. Prof. Andreas Rienow and Dr. Valerie Graw.