Since 2017, the Geomatics WG has been carrying out educational projects related to earth observation and geoinformation. The project family in the area of Interdisciplinary Geoinformation Sciences (see below) has now been joined by "EO CONNECT" and "EO4Edu".
EO CONNECT - Promoting Global Networking in Earth Observation Education is being carried out in cooperation with Friedrich Schiller University Jena. In the sub-project "Innovative learning methods and school education", innovative learning resources are being developed under the leadership of Jun. Prof. Rienow, innovative learning resources based on geodata are being developed. A nucleus project of EO Connect on the contribution of geoinformation to the reduction of world hunger ("Zero Hunger MOOC") is to promote the global knowledge community and find solutions for one of the most elementary problems of the 21st century. As part of the "CONNECT-FIVE", EO CONNECT is one of 5 winning projects out of an original 167 applications and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with 195.600,00 € (FKZ: 01DU20002B).
The Erasmus+ project EO4Edu - Earth Observation for Education will focus on teaching geoinformation and Earth observation, the concept of global citizenship and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030 (SDGs) in schools. To this end, interactive e- and m-learning resources will be created for teachers teaching STEM subjects in primary and lower secondary schools (8-12 years). University students will contribute to the development and production of these "STEAM" resources with Citizen Science components. Through the use of open data and free GIS software, mobile devices and GPS, the value of geoinformation towards sustainable development in times of global change will be actively experienced by the students already in the classroom. The project is funded by the European Commission (2020-1-UK01-KA201-079007, €86,607.00) and with 9 partners consisting of universities, schools and SMEs from Wales, Greece, Germany and the Czech Republic for RUB, led by Jun. Prof. Andreas Rienow.
All projects of the working group can be found HERE.
Contact: Jun. Prof. Andreas Rienow Interdisciplinary Geoinformation Sciences