International Scientist Susanne Benz at the Urban Climate Working Group

09. January 2020

Dr. Susanne Benz from the University of California San Diego is currently visiting the Urban Climate Working Group. She is staying in Bochum from 6th January to 31st January. She started of her visit with a great presentation on the subsurface urban heat island during the master colloquium on 7th January. There she explained the processes leading to a warming up of groundwater underneath cities and how to measure and model groundwater temperatures. Furthermore, the importance of research on this topic was presented as well as potential options to use the additional energy preserved in groundwater. On 21st January she will do a guest lecture on Google Earth Engine where she will introduce students to the analysis of satellite imagery in the Google Earth Engine platform. Students will use it to analyse large scale geographic data as well as temporal-spatial dynamics. Apart from these lectures within the university, another presentation outside the university is planned. The Regionalverband Ruhr (RVR) organises a lecture series with the topic “The Earth during the Anthropocene”.  Moreover, Susanne Benz and the working group are continuously working on joint projects.
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