Vacancy: PhD student position in satellite climatology

Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) is one of Germany's leading research universities. The university draws its strengths from both the diversity and the proximity of scientific and engineering disciplines on a single, coherent campus. This highly dynamic setting enables students and researchers to work across traditional boundaries of academic subjects and faculties.

The climatology group, Institute of Geography, at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, offers a three-year 50% position as a researcher. The position is intended as a basis for pursuing a PhD. The research focus of this position will be on the analysis of cloud properties, cloud effects in the climate system, as well as interactions between clouds and atmospheric aerosols. Methods of satellite-based and ground-based remote sensing will be central to this work. The successful candidate will have received a Masters degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline (e.g. Geography, Meteorology, Physics), have a pronounced interest in climate science, and be confident in the handling of large data sets and in numerical methods. Experience in the fields of remote sensing and/or programming will be of advantage. The successful candidate is expected to present scientific results at conferences and be open to publishing in international journals.

The position includes teaching obligations of 2 hours per week. The salary follows German public service category E13 (50%). The position is to be filled by 1 October 2012 or earlier. Interviews will be held in calendar weeks 27 and 28. In case of questions you may contact Jan Cermak. Please send your application, including 
- CV
- letter of motivation
- abstract of your Masters thesis (1/2 page)
- contact details of two potential referees
in one pdf file to climate@rub.deundefined. Deadline for receipt of applications is 24 June 2012. More information on doctoral studies at RUB is given here. The attachments contain printable versions of this announcement in English and German.
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02. June 2012
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Bochum Urban Climate Lab