Vacancy: PhD/PostDoc position

Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) is one of Germany’s leading research universities. The university draws its strengths from both the diversity and the proximity of scientific and engineering disciplines on a single, coherent campus. This highly dynamic setting enables students and researchers to work across traditional boundaries of academic subjects and faculties.

The climatology group (, Institute of Geography, at Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, offers a position in climate research, in the field of atmospheric remote sensing and climate system analysis. Depending on qualifications and experience of the candidate, the position can either be used to pursue a PhD project (50% position) or a PostDoc project (100% position).

Research in our group focuses on satellite-based and ground-based remote sensing of clouds and aerosol, spatial and temporal patterns of clouds and precipitation in observation data and climate models, as well as on aerosol-cloud interactions. The successful candidate will conduct independent research in one of these areas. She/he will have received a Masters degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline, have a pronounced interest in climate science, and be confident in the handling of large data sets and in numerical methods.
The position includes teaching obligations (2 hours/week for 50% position, 4 hours/week for 100%) and can be filled for one year initially, with the possibility to extend. The salary follows German public service category E13. The position is to be filled as soon as possible.

Please send your application, including a CV, a letter of motivation and contact details of two potential referees to Deadline for receipt of applications is 11 March 2012.
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13. February 2012
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Bochum Urban Climate Lab