Comparative metropolitan research

Semester: 2.
Credits: 12 CP
Duration: 1 Semester
Module Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uta Hohn
Contact hours: 6 SWS
Selfstudy: 250 h
Group size: 15

Preconditions to participate: Module "Governance in Cities and Regions" of the 1st M.Sc. semester, English language skills
Learning Goals

The students have comprehensive and profound knowledge of urban and regional development in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region and are able to convey this knowledge to foreign fellow students using the example of concrete projects as well as to discuss it in an internationally comparative manner on the basis of selected criteria after an intensive examination of current trends, strategies, concepts and projects of urban and regional development in a metropolitan region abroad. Through the intensive cooperation with their foreign fellow students, they have significantly expanded their didactic, social and intercultural skills.


Topics of urban and regional development in metropolitan regions outside Germany as well as the comparison with developments in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region are the focus of this course. Students will be involved in the conception and design of a 5-7 day Summer School on current topics of urban and regional development in the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Region for students of an East Asian partner university, in particular the University of Tsukuba, Japan. From a comparative perspective, they also participate in a 5-7 day Summer School organized by the partners in East Asia. Students who do not wish to participate in the Summer School in East Asia are alternatively offered a 5-7 day excursion to a European metropolitan region.

Teaching methods

Seminar in preparation for the two 5-7 day Summer Schools with lectures, discussions, excursions, expert talks, field work and final workshops.

The implementation of the excursions and their joint preparation and reflection in the discursive process, e.g. in the context of the seminar or the final discussions and the final workshop, require compulsory attendance.

Mode of assessment

Option 1:

  • Summer School Rhine-Ruhr: Planning, realization and evaluation of an excursion day (incl. contribution to Reader in English)
  • Summer School Tokyo: Presentation in preparation for the Summer School and review of the Summer School (report, poster or excursion newspaper, term paper)

Option 2:

  • Summer School Rhine-Ruhr: Planning and realization of an excursion day (incl. contribution to Reader)
  • Summer School Deltametropole etc.: Planning and execution of an excursion day (incl. contribution to short reader) and review of the Summer School (report, poster or excursion newspaper, term paper)

Performance assessment: Summer School Rhine-Ruhr = 50% and Summer School abroad = 50%.

Additional Information

Conditions for granting credit points

Sum of the examination task achievements at least 50%

Usage of the module
Compulsory module M.Sc. Geography, specialization 'Urban and Regional Development Management

Stellenwert der Note für die Endnote
The module grade is CP-weighted (12/120) and is included in the final M.Sc. grade.

Courses in Summer Semester 2025

Preliminary meeting: 16.12.2024, 5:30 pm, IA 1/117

Lecturers:Uta Hohn
Course type:Other

Registration via eCampus from 09.12.-16.12.2024

Examination components:

Reader Summer School Ruhr and design of a Summer School Day Ruhr; term paper Tokyo with comparative perspective

Target audience:

Master students of the 2nd M.Sc. semester

Requirements:Module "Governance in Cities and Regions" of the 1st M.Sc. semester, English language skills

Students acquire comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of urban and regional development and its governance by intensively studying current trends, strategies, concepts and projects of urban and regional development in the Ruhr metropolis as well as in a comparative perspective with either the Tokyo metropolitan region or the Vienna metropolitan region. This includes researching, analyzing and evaluating information and the ability to form one's own, well-founded opinion. Furthermore, communicative skills are acquired by presenting, discussing and moderating academic topics, also in teams. Students also significantly expand their didactic, social and intercultural skills through encounters with foreign students and academics as well as experts from the field in both metropolitan regions.


Current topics of urban and regional development and their governance in both metropolitan regions will be jointly developed, prepared and discussed in preparatory seminars and then explored in greater depth during the subsequent summer schools on site. There will be opportunities for this in the form of lectures, discussion rounds, expert talks, themed routes and field work on site. A high degree of initiative, teamwork and self-organisation are important prerequisites for participation. The Ruhr Summer School, the Tokyo Summer School and the Vienna Summer School will be organised under the common theme of ‘Imagine and Design the Future - Together’, thus taking up the motto of our partner university Tsukuba. The aim is to analyse transformation processes and their governance in urban transformation spaces at different scales, from individual projects to neighbourhoods and regions, with a special focus on the interdependencies and development paths, the actors, strategies, concepts and instruments of a ‘governance of transformation’. The aim is to look at future designs and future projects and critically reflect on their contributions to shaping sustainable and resilient urban futures using the opportunities offered by digitalisation.


Preliminary meeting Summer School Tokyo: 16 December 2024, 17:30, IA 1/117

Dates for both preparatory seminars Fridays, 09:00-12:00, IA 1/117:

Summer School Ruhr:
and by arrangement

Summer School Tokyo:
and by arrangement
Summer School Ruhr with students from Tsukuba: prob. 21.07.-25.07.2025
Summer School Tokyo: 15.09.-20.09.2025 (13.09.-22.09. incl. arrival and departure)


Will be announced at the preliminary discussion or is to be researched by the participants.

Preliminary meeting  03.12.2024, 4 pm, IA 02/111

Lecturers:Uta Hohn, Andreas Farwick
Course type:Other

Registration via eCampus from 04.12.-08.12.2023

Examination components:

Reader Summer School Ruhr and design of a Summer School Day Ruhr; term paper Tokyo with comparative perspective

Target audience:

Master students of the 2nd M.Sc. semester

Requirements:Module "Governance in Cities and Regions" of the 1st M.Sc. semester, English language skills

Students acquire comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of urban and regional development and its governance by intensively studying current trends, strategies, concepts and projects of urban and regional development in the Ruhr metropolis as well as in a comparative perspective with either the Tokyo metropolitan region or the Vienna metropolitan region. This includes researching, analyzing and evaluating information and the ability to form one's own, well-founded opinion. Furthermore, communicative skills are acquired by presenting, discussing and moderating academic topics, also in teams. Students also significantly expand their didactic, social and intercultural skills through encounters with foreign students and academics as well as experts from the field in both metropolitan regions.


Current topics of urban and regional development and their governance in both metropolitan regions will be jointly developed, prepared and discussed in preparatory seminars and then explored in greater depth during the subsequent summer schools on site. There will be opportunities for this in the form of lectures, discussion rounds, expert talks, themed routes and field work on site. A high degree of initiative, teamwork and self-organisation are important prerequisites for participation. The Ruhr Summer School, the Tokyo Summer School and the Vienna Summer School will be organised under the common theme of ‘Imagine and Design the Future - Together’, thus taking up the motto of our partner university Tsukuba. The aim is to analyse transformation processes and their governance in urban transformation spaces at different scales, from individual projects to neighbourhoods and regions, with a special focus on the interdependencies and development paths, the actors, strategies, concepts and instruments of a ‘governance of transformation’. The aim is to look at future designs and future projects and critically reflect on their contributions to shaping sustainable and resilient urban futures using the opportunities offered by digitalisation.


Preliminary meeting Summer School Vienna: 03.12.2024, 16:00, IA 02/111

Preparatory seminar Summer School Ruhr: Fridays, 13:00-16:00, IA 1/117:
and by arrangement

Preparatory seminar Summer School Vienna: Wednesdays, 09:00-12:00, from 04.06.2025, IA 02/111
and by arrangement

Summer School Ruhr: probably 05.08.-09.08.2025
Summer School Vienna: probably 08.09.-15.09.2025


Will be announced at the preliminary discussion or is to be researched by the participants.

Courses in Winter Semester 2024-2025

No courses are scheduled for this semester.