Klimanetzwerk Bochum

Large cities like Bochum are significantly warmer than the surrounding area due to their higher building density and height, lower proportion of green space and high degree of sealing. This so-called urban heat island effect is influenced by many factors, so that the climatic conditions can vary greatly between different cities, but also within a city. Cities are not only particularly at risk from heat waves, but heavy rainfall can also have a devastating impact on the structural infrastructure.

As part of the Bochum climate network, over 20 weather stations are to be set up at Bochum schools. In addition to the meteorological parameters (precipitation, temperature, humidity, etc.), they should also measure the air quality in the future. This measurement network makes it possible to model the different climatic conditions in Bochum, to develop forecasts and adaptation strategies for climate change and, in the event of a disaster, for example. B. to warn in good time in the event of heavy rainfall.
However, the main goal of the Bochum Climate Network is to strengthen MINT teaching in Bochum schools. The students should actively learn in class how data can be collected, managed, evaluated and combined with other environmental data. The partners of the Bochum MINT cluster will develop accompanying teaching units, workshops and student competitions with a focus on the subjects of physics, computer science, geography, biology and mathematics.

BoKliNet | Active

Project Info

Project Period: since 2022


Participating departments: