ESERO Germany brings outer space into the classroom with innovative and exciting teaching materials for the MINT subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology)
ESERO Germany brings outer space into the classroom with innovative and exciting teaching materials for the MINT subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology). (© ESERO Germany).
ESERO Germany brings outer space into the classroom with innovative and exciting teaching materials for the MINT subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology). (© ESERO Germany).

European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) Germany

ESERO Germany is a joint project of ESA and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The Ruhr-Universität Bochum and a committed consortium of ten institutions from North Rhine-Westphalia were awarded the contract to establish the education office. ESERO Germany aims to get pupils excited about STEM subjects. To this end, space topics are integrated into school lessons in an exciting and innovative way and the skills of pupils in the subjects of mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology (MINT subjects) are promoted.

ESERO | Active

Project Info

Project-ID: ESA, 4000123877/18/NL/BJ

Project Period: 2018 - 2025


  • Jun. Prof. Dr. Andreas Rienow
Projekt Lead:
  • Jun. Prof. Dr. Andreas Rienow
  • Jun. Prof. Dr. Andreas Rienow
  • Christina Nadolsky
  • Dr. Henryk Hodam
Participating departments:
Europäische Weltraumorganisation
  • Geographisches Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • Zeiss Planetarium Bochum
  • Das Astronomische Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • Die Sternwarte Bochum
  • Die Universität Bonn mit der Remote Sensing Research Group des Geographischen Instituts, dem Physikalischen Institut und dem Argelander Institut für Astronomie
  • Das Institut für Physikdidaktik der Universität zu Köln
  • Das zdi.NRW – Zukunft durch Innovation
  • Ignite education GmbH in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
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ESERO Germany

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