Urban Biodiversity Information at a Glance

05. October 2021

Maria Riffat from PLACES lab is presenting on "Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Dashboards to Inform Planning and Governance" at Young Researchers Webinar Series by IALE-Europe
On 13 October 2021 at 16:00-17:00 CET, a PhD Candidate at PLACES lab Miss Riffat is presenting her PhD research work related to urban biodiversity and ecosystem Services dashboards to inform planning and governance at Young Researchers Webinar Series by IALE-Europe.
However, the dashboard term itself is not new because it is long being used in automotive industry as a dashboard of a car. Similarly, dashboard here refers to a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives; consolidated and arranged on a single screen so the information can be monitored at a glance.
Thus, the concept of dashboard is novel in the fields of ecology, landscape planning, urban biodiversity and environmental planning. Therefore, Miss Riffat will assess, develop, and analyse dashboard technology as an innovative, interactive, and novel web-based platform to assist potential stakeholders and decision makers in order to understand complex scientific information on urban biodiversity and ecosystem services in spatial planning within metropolitan regions. If you want to learn more, please register yourself with the following link.
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