UNIC Spring School

21. April 2021

This special fast-track Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC) class had the unique opportunity today to discuss the Basque Country case with Dr Edurne Magro, a Senior Researcher at the Orkestra Basque Institute of Competitiveness and a lecturer at the University of Deusto. A long-standing member of the MOC Affiliate Network, Dr Magro shared her first-hand insights on the transformation of the Basque economy, a best-practice case on regional renewal for three decades. The discusson helped students gain a deep understanding of the role of cluster policies in building trust and organising for competitveness that allowed the region to bounce back strongly after that Great Recession of 2008/2009. After Prof. Eleanor Doyle (University College Cork) and Prof. Fred van Eenenam (Erasmus University of Rotterdam), Dr Magro was the third guest instructor from a UNIC partner university to lead a case discussion in this unique MOC class running until the end of April.
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