BISTUS IX: Urban Climate & Environmental Justice

Zoe Hamstead
Zoé Hamstead, PhD Assistant Professor of Environmental Planning & Founding Director, Urban Resilience Lab University of Buffalo, NY
Zoé Hamstead, PhD Assistant Professor of Environmental Planning & Founding Director, Urban Resilience Lab University of Buffalo, NY
  • Dates: 28 June – 02 July, Time: 17.15 – 19.45 hrs CET
  • Platform: Zoom
  • Interdisciplinary seminar for Master and PhD students, 6 CP
  • Registration closing 31 March, 2021. Places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Please contact stating name, matriculation number, and study program.


  1. History and evolution of Climate & Environmental Justice (CEJ) movements
  2. Pluralist understandings of Climate & Environmental Justice
  3. Urban climate governance practices that engage in dimensions of justice
  4. Application of CEJ analytic technique and conceptual frameworks to case studies
  5. Critical Heat Studies and other emerging frameworks for more fully integrating EJ theory & praxis into urban climate governance
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25. January 2021
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