the first annual report of the European Observatory of Service-Learning in Higher Education

17. December 2019

Just in time for the end of the year the first annual report of the European Observatory of Service-Learning in Higher Education has been published.
Thanks to the financial support granted by the Ruhr-University Bochum (Commission for Teaching and Studies) for the first implementation of a seminar that follows the service learning methodology at the Department of Geography, it was made possible that Janine Bittner and Janina Kempchen could contribute in this success.
The Annual Report, edited by Cayuela, A.; Alonso, M.; Ballesteros, C. and Aramburuzabala, P. is available for downloading on the European Network of Service-Learning (EOSLHE) website: which also gives additional information on the work of the EOSLHE, opportunities to participate and the servive-learning methodology.

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