Save the date: Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Vit Vozenilek

16. November 2018

Am 22.11.2018 um 14.15 Uhr hält Prof. Dr. Vit Vozenilek von unserer ERASMUS-Partner-Universität Palacky University Olomouc in Tschechien im Raum IA 1/117 einen Fachvortrag zum Thema:


Systematic cartography is a set of interrelated approaches for visualizing a wide range of spatial data sources by various techniques. A traditional example of systematic geovizualisation is the atlas production. At present, advanced display techniques and distributed spatial data sources multiply the possibilities and range of visualization outputs. The presentation introduces the concept of systematic geovizualisation, the basic trends of research and its involvement in the curriculum at the Palacky University in Olomouc.

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