geomorphology and soil science

Semester: 1. & 2.
Credits: 7 CP
Duration: 2 Semester
Module Supervisor: Dr. Birgit Elvers
Contact hours: V: 4 SWS
G: 0,5 SWS
Selfstudy: 135 h
Group size: V: 210
G: 15-20
Learning Goals

Eintroductory overview of contents and typical questions of geomorphology, geology and soil science. Acquisition of basic knowledge and relationships from these sub-areas and their linkage in landscape-ecological processes and structures on different scales (scientific competence). Handling of fundamental physical-geographical recording and measuring methods through practical work in the field (methodological competence).inführender Überblick in Inhalte und typische Fragestellungen der Geomorphologie, Geologie und Bodenkunde. Erwerb grundlegender Kenntnisse und Zusammenhänge aus diesen Teilbereichen und deren Verknüpfung bei landschaftsökologischen Prozessen und Gliederungen auf unterschiedlichen Maßstabsebenen (fachwissenschaftliche Kompetenz). Handhabung fundamentaler physisch-geographischer Aufnahme- und Messverfahren über praktische Arbeiten im Gelände (Methodenkompetenz).


Lecture geomorphology/soil science: hydrological cycle, surface runoff, weathering, soil physics and soil water balance, geomorphological processes, soil formation processes, organic matter, habitual relief structures, soil types, fundamentals of soil chemistry

Lecture endogenous geology: Role of geosciences for human civilization, formation of the universe, plate tectonics, rock properties, magmatism, hydrothermal systems, metamorphosis of rocks, structural geology, speed of geological processes, age determination

Field practice (soil science): in the field, geomorphological shape identification, soil identification and typification are practiced

Teaching methods

Lectures, field internship (soil science)

Mode of assessment

Exam (140 mins)
Weighting of the individual sub-areas: geomorphology 40%, soil science 40%, endogenous geology 20%

Additional Information

Conditions for granting credit points

Passed study performance (protocol for the field internship), passed exam

Usage of the module
Compulsory module in the B.A. course

Stellenwert der Note für die Endnote
According to subject-specific provisions of the GemPO 2016, the module grade contributes 7% to the B.A. geography grade.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Pflitsch, Prof. Dr. Bernd Marschner, Prof. Dr. Rebecca Harrington

Courses in Summer Semester 2024

probably 23.05./24.05.2024, each 9 am - 4 pm

Lecturers:Stefanie Heinze
Course type:Field trip

Registration via eCampus from 02.02.-10.04.2024

Courses in Winter Semester 2023-2024

Lecturers:Bernd Marschner
Course type:Lecture

Registration for the lecture via eCampus from 14.07.-04.10.2023

Lecturers:Andreas Pflitsch
Course type:Lecture

Registration for the lecture via eCampus from 14.07.-04.10.2023

Lecturers:Marco Roth
Course type:Lecture

Registration for the lecture via eCampus from 01.09.2023 (12 pm) to 29.11.2023 (12 pm)