Curriculum vitae
- since 2019: Senior researcher, Urban Climatology, Institute of Geography, Ruhr-University Bochum
- since 2018: CEO & Founder of Kode VOF - Building Blocks For A Better Future
- since 2018: Affiliated Researcher, Ghent University and Leuven University
- 2016 to 2018: Post-doctoral Researcher, the Laboratory of Hydrology and Water Management, Ghent University
- 2010 to 2016: Post-doctoral Researcher, Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) & Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Leuven University
- 2009 to 2010: Post-doctoral Researcher, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Leuven University
- 2005 to 2009: PhD student, Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IWT) & Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Leuven University
- 2019 to 2020: Astropeneurs Space Startup Accelerator (H2020)
- 2016: Big Data: Management, Analysis, Visualization and Legal Aspects, Ghent University, Belgium
- 2013 to 2013: Postgraduate on Integrated Innovative Sustainable Construction & Renovation, PXL University College, Hasselt, Belgium
- 2005 to 2009: PhD in Exact Sciences, Dissertation: A downscaling approach for air quality at a mid-latitude site using circulation patterns and surface meteorology, Faculty of Science, KU Leuven, Belgium
- 2003 to 2004: Master (M.Sc.) in Environmental Management and Technology, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium
- 2001 to 2003: Master (M.Sc.) in Physical Geography, Faculty of Science, KU Leuven, Belgium
- 1999 to 2001: Candidate (B.Sc.) in Physical Geography, Faculty of Science, KU Leuven, Belgium
International training schools
- Introduction to Machine Learning Algorithms (Ghent University, Belgium)
- Climate Informatics Workshop & hackathon (NCAR, Boulder (USA)
- Earth System monitoring and modeling (ESA, Italy)
- 1st ISSMES: The MPI-M earth system modelling framework (MPI Hamburg, Germany)
- Water Sensitive Cities Winter School (Monash University, Australia)
- Urban Physics (Limassol, Cyprus / Halkidiki, Greece
- Management of Urban Infrastructures
- Data Science and Machine Learning with Python
- Taming Big Data with Apache Spark
- Learning Python for Data Analysis and Visualization
- Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners
- MeMo II Urban Climate (M.Sc.)
- Introduction to python programming and geospatial analysis (M.Sc.)
- Introductiont o computer programming in a spatial context (Python, QGIS) (B.Sc.)
- Spatial Analysis Techniques (R, ArcGIS) (B.Sc.)
- Atmospheric Modelling (M.Sc.)
- General Physical Geography (B.Sc.)
PhD supervision & support
- Jorn Van de Velde (2018-now):Stochastic modelling of future extreme discharges as a tool for water resources engineering
- Jonas Van de Walle (2017-now): Climate extremes in the lake Victoria region: The role of urban- and lake-induced dynamics
- Michiel Maertens (2017-now): The impact of vegetation changes on soil moisture over the Dry Chaco
- Marie-Leen Verdonck (2017-2018): Local Climate zones in Belgium, mapping and modelling in function of Urban Heat Islands
- Oscar Brousse (2016-now): Modelling the urban climate in Africa
- Jeroen Degerickx (2015-2019): A remote sensing based characterization of urban green elements to facilitate ecosystem service assessment of the urban environment
- Niels Souverijns (2015-2019): Precipitation and clouds over Antarctica from an observational and modelling perspective
- Fabien Chatterjee (2012-2020): The effect of wind farms on the regional climate
- Ashley Broadbent (2011-2015): The effect of water sensitive urban design and outdoor water-use practices on urban microclimate
- Erwan Brisson (2009-2015): Towards high-resolution climate projections for Belgium: Combining convection permitting models with statistical downscaling techniques
- Annemarie Devis (2010-2014): Wind energy in Europe under future climate conditions. The statistical downscaling of a CMIP5 model ensemble
- Hendrik Wouters (2010-2014): Improving urban land-cover parametrization in regional climate models: The role of urban aerodynamic, thermal and radiative properties, anthropogenic heat and water retention
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