Charlotte Hüser, B.Sc.

Room: IA E6/93
Tel.: +49 (0)234 32-19491
Office hours:

during the lecture-free period by appointment

Unit: Bochum Urban Climate Lab

Research Associate

Focus of activity

micrometeorlogical measurements air quality low-cost crowdsourcing

Charlotte Hüser

Curriculum vitae

Academic education

  • 04.2022 - 12.2022: Master's thesis, Chair of Urban Climatology, Ruhr University Bochum "Mobile Air Quality Measurements - Potentials of Low-Cost Systems for PM Monitoring"
  • 10.2018 - 04.2022: Master's degree in geography, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, specialization in urban and landscape ecology, focus on urban climatology
  • 10.2013 - 09.2018: Bachelor's degree in geography, Ruhr University Bochum; Degree: Bachelor of Science

Professional Experience

  • 06.2023 - today Research assistant in the Bochum Urban Climate Lab - "D2R" - Data2Resilience (ICLEI Action FUND 2.0 - Using Data for Local Environmental Action, 2023-2025)
  • 12.2022 - 06.2023 Research assistant in the Bochum Urban Climate Lab
  • 04.2019 - 12.2022: Research assistant with a bachelor's degree, Ruhr University Bochum, Chair of Urban Climatology, headed by Prof. Dr. Benjamin Bechtel, Institute of Geography (GI), support and implementation of teaching in (urban) climatology, development and scientific project management of the Bochum climate network (BoKliNet), funding applications, BUCSS conference organization (eight - 19 hours/week)
  • 04.2019 - 09.2020: Research assistant with bachelor's degree, Ruhr University Bochum, working group Climatology of extreme locations, headed by Prof. Dr. Andreas Pflitsch, GI, teaching in (terrain) climatology, (co-)leading of excursions and project seminars, scientific project work and management in research projects, participation in international expeditions, funding applications, project reports and presentations, design and implementation of measurements and statistical data analysis (eight hours/wk)
  • 10.2018 - 03.2019: Research assistant with a bachelor's degree, Ruhr-Universität Bochum GI, support, maintenance and calibration of the climate stations, support for teaching, data preparation and analysis of climate data (eight hours/wk)
  • 10. - 12.2016: Student assistant, Ruhr University Bochum GI, development and management of tutorials for first semester students (eight hours/wk)

Practical experience

  • 09. - 10.2020: Internship, K.PLAN Klima.Umwelt & Planung, Bochum, supervision of measurement projects and evaluation of collected climate data
  • 2018 - 2020: (Co-)excursion and seminar leader, USA, two to four weeks per semester
  • 06. - 07.2019: Expeditions and internships, Mt. Hood, Oregon and Mt. St. Helens, Washington, USA, partly guided from LabExchange
  • 03.2019: Internship, University of New Mexico, Department of Biology, Albuquerque and Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA from LabExchange
  • 10. - 12.2017: Internship, Wind Cave National Park, Resource Management, Hot Springs, South Dakota, USA
  • 06.2017: Expedition, Oregon High Desert Grotto, Oregon, USA
  • 02. - 05.2017: Excursion, project seminar, field work for bachelor thesis internship, Cave Conservancy of Hawaii, Big Island, USA
  • 08. - 10.2016: Internship, BahnflächenEntwicklungsGesellschaft NRW mbH, Essen

Scholarships (selection)

  • 03. & 07.2019: LabExchange program to promote research stays for master's students and advanced bachelor's students (funded by RUB, BMBF)
  • 02.2019: Erasmus+ project "Spatial exploration of economic data - methods of interdisciplinary analytics -Spationomy", Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Czech Republic
  • 09.2015 - 02.2016: Erasmus semester Universitá degli studi di Verona, Italy
  • 10.2013 - 04.2022: Ev. Studienwerk e.V. Financial and non-material support, especially stays abroad

Further training/conferences and workshops (selection)

  • 15.11.2023 1st Stakeholder Workshop on Themra Comfort - D2R, Dortmund (
  • 19.-23.09.2023 dkg'23 Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Frankfurt am Main (
  • 28.08.-01-09.2023 11th International Conference on Urban Climate, UNSW Sydney, Australia (
  • 06. - 07.2022: FAIRNESS Summer School "Filling Common Gaps in Measured Data", COST Action CA20108 FAIR NETwork of micrometeorological measurements, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
  • 09.2019: Urban Climate Summer School “Urban Climate Monitoring and Modelling” The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB), Bucharest, Romania
  • 02.2019: Workshop “Intercultural communication: Being successful in working together with people from different cultural backgrounds”, Verena Piper, RUB Research School




  • Sobolewski, L., Stenner, C., Huser, C., Berghaus, T., Cartaya, E., & Pflitsch, A. (2022). Ongoing genesis of a novel glaciovolcanic cave system in the crater of Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA (Version Publisher’s Version). Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 84(2), 51–65.


EUROGEO - European Association of Geographers

GGG - Gesellschaft für Geographie und Geologie Bochum e.V.

EGEA - European Geography Association

GeoDACH - Vertretung deutschsprachiger Geographiestudierender e.V.

DAV - Deutscher Alpenverein - Sektion Hochsauerland

Foodsharing e.V. - Stammbezirk Bochum




  • Studienprojekt: Studienprojekt 2: Urbane Umweltprobleme


  • Regionale Geographie: Exkursion Kanarische Inseln


  • Klimatologie und Biogeographie: Seminare Klimatologie
  • Landschaften und Ökosysteme Mittelruopas: Exkursion Landschaften und Ökosysteme Mitteleuropas (Harzexkursion)
  • Studienprojekt: Projektseminar BoKliNet (Bochumer Klimanetzwerk)


  • Studienprojekt: Projektseminar BoKliNet (Bochumer Klimanetzwerk)


  • BoCliNet - Bochum Climate Network
  • "D2R" - Data2Resilience (ICLEI Action Fund 2.0 - Using Data for Local Environmental Action, 2023-2025)


Ongoing bachelor theses

Completed bachelor theses

  • Komberg, Fabian (2024): Das Große Torfmoor in Minden-Lübbecke als Exkursionsstandort. Eine Eignungsanalyse im Rahmen des Geographieunterrichts der Sekundarstufe II (B.A., second reviewer)
  • Wüllner, Jonas (2024): Analyse des Tagesgangs urbaner Oberflächentemperaturen durch sequenzielle Thermographie (B.A., second reviewer)
  • Janulewicz, Cetin (2024): Hochwasserereignisse - Ursachen und historische Entwicklung in Mitteleuropa (B.Sc., second reviewer)
  • Treinies, Solveig (2024): Herausfirderungen und Möglichkeiten der Klimaanpassung in postindustriellen Regionen. Grüne Infrastruktur als Klimaanpassungsmaßnahme in der Ruhr Region und Greater Manchester (B.A., second reviewer)
  • Toffel, Chiara (2024): Von Grau zu Grün durch Dach- und Fassadenbegrünung - Umsetzungspotentiale auf regionaler Ebene (B.Sc., second reviewer)
  • Wochermaier, Janina (2024): Einfluss des Klimawandels auf das Abflussregime der Gurgler Ache in den Ötztaler Alpen (B.Sc., second reviewer)
  • Brosch, Alissa (2023): Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen auf Quartiersebene der Stadt Mönchengladbach - Eine klimatische Risiko- und Betroffenheitsanalyse und die Bewertung von Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen (B.A., second reviewer)
  • Grafe, Jolien (2023): Analyse von Temperaturdaten von ZOLITRON-Sensoren auf smarten Glascontainern in Bochum (B.Sc., second reviewer)
  • Mösges, Jan (2023): Städtische Wärmeinseln in der Dortmunder Innenstadt - Eine Analyse der ergriffenen Hitzeanpassungsmaßnahmen (B.A., second reviewer)
  • Salmen, Bendix (2023): Analyse raumzeitlicher Temperaturmuster in Dortmund mit crowdsourcing und temporären Messungen (B.Sc., second reviewer)
  • Sari, Nilay (2023): Die Auswirkungen der Fruchtfolge auf den Humusgehalt und die Nährstoffversorgung landwirtschaftlicher Böden (B.A., second reviewer)
  • Werner, Tim Michael (2023): Charakterisierung der saisonalen Ausprägung ausgewählter meteorologischer Parameter in verschiedenen Höhenlagen auf dem Mauna Loa in Hawai'i (B.A., second reviewer)