Teaching Overview

We teach in the degree programs of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Geography, Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Geography,  and Master of Science (M.Sc.) in the Transformation of Urban Landscapes. Our courses focus on environmental analysis and planning in urban contexts and beyond, including topics such as landscape and environmental planning, ecosystem services, nature-based solutions and scientific research methods.

Offered Courses

Undergraduate Courses Overview
Undergraduate Courses Overview
Undergraduate Courses Overview
Graduate Courses Overview
Graduate Courses Overview
Graduate Courses Overview

Offered Theses

We always welcome suggestions for graduation theses relating to the field of environmental analysis and planning. We recommend for all students who intend to continue their studies after completing their graduation thesis (e.g. transition from a bachelor's degree to a master's degree or additional second degree) contacting us between October 1st and 10th (thesis in winter semester) or April 1st and 10th (thesis in summer semester). Please contact Ms. Ingrid Bode.