
Semester: 3. & 4.
Credits: 8 CP
Duration: 2 Semester
Module Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Dickmann
Contact hours: jeweils 2 SWS
Selfstudy: 180 h
Group size: 210
Learning Goals

The students know the techniques and methods of geo-remote sensing for the acquisition of geotopographic data and can assess the geometric quality of these geodata. Furthermore, the students have gained insights into the national survey as a public task, know official topographic maps as geobasis data visualising results of the national survey and have an overview of the topic of map network design theory. The students have theoretical knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS), recognise their benefits in the processing of geographic questions and are able to solve simple practical questions with the ESRI ArcGIS software, which they have learned in its basic functionalities. The students know thematic cartographic methods for the methodically appropriate visualisation of numerous geo specialist data.


The module Geomatics offers students basic knowledge and skills for the professional and appropriate handling of geodata. As an intersection of geodesy, remote sensing, photogrammetry, computer science, geoinformation systems and cartography, geomatics represents an essential component of the methodological part within the B.Sc. degree programme in geography. The module Geomatics consists of the two courses Geomatics I and Geomatics II and covers the 3rd and 4th semester.

The lecture Geomatics I: Acquisition of Geotopographic Data and Official Geoinformation (winter semester) focuses on techniques of geo-remote sensing-supported acquisition and cartographic presentation of geotopographic data.

The first part of the lecture Geomatics II: GIS Basics and Geo-Visualisation Techniques (in the following summer semester) is dedicated to geoinformation systems (GIS) and their differentiated basics and possible applications; a second part deals with the cartographic visualisation of specialised geographical data and the associated considerations on the methodologically correct procedure.

Teaching methods


Mode of assessment

Final examination on the entire module content

Additional Information

Conditions for granting credit points

Passed exam

Usage of the module
Independent module in the B.A. and B.Sc. degree programme Geography

Stellenwert der Note für die Endnote
The module grade is CP-weighted (8/180) and is included in the final B.Sc. grade

Prof. Dr. Frank Dickmann, Prof. Dr. Carsten Jürgens

Courses in Summer Semester 2024

Lecturers:Frank Dickmann
Course type:Lecture

Registration for lecture via eCampus from 02.02.-27.03.2024

Courses in Winter Semester 2023-2024

Lecturers:Frank Dickmann, Carsten Jürgens
Course type:Lecture

Registration for the lecture via eCampus from 14.07.-27.09.2023